Sunday, July 3, 2016


What can you really say about a 21-2 loss?  If someone told you the Sox would give up 21 runs in a game who would you guess would be prominently involved?  Yeah, I'd say Clay Buchholz too.  And today we hear he wasn't too happy about being lifted after 62 pitches.  The balls on this guy!  How much rope does he want?! He had already given up 4 and had 2 more on base who eventually scored. And I guess he stormed off the field too.  Geeze, when is enough gonna be enough with this clown?

Thankfully they bounced back today.  But ultimately I'm not sure if winning on this homestand is a good thing, since all it might serve to achieve is enable John Farrell to keep his job.  Not sure that's the best thing for the team right now.

I listened to the game at the beach today (almost didn't have anywhere to park to get on the beach, waited in line for over an hour to try to get a shuttle to Crane Beach, wound up ditching that plan and going BACK to Singing Beach and by sheer luck getting a spot on the street.  What a day) and was encouraged by Sean O'Sullivan's performance.  If he can pitch like that then please, for the love of God, let it be Bye Bye Buchholz.

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