Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Late post - shocking I know

Sorry for the late post.  Judging by my 81 views on 28 posts I have a lot of people relying on me for their Sox news, so I apologize.

Bogaerts really coming into his own.  I suspect he'll be the main focus of quite a few Sox game storylines this season. He already has.

The play of the game was definitely Chris Young avoiding being tagged on Papi's pinch hit grounder to prevent the double play.  I was talking with my brother about the Sox base running this season the other night.  It really has been noticeably excellent, which was a hallmark of the 2013 team.  That team had great base runners.  Obviously guys like Ellsbury were fast, but I'm talking guys who were smart on the bases like Napoli, Gomes, Victorino.  It was great to watch.  Pretty much everyone except Daniel Nava.  That dude could not run the bases.  Where is he now anyways?  I think I'll Wikipedia his ass..

As far as Porcello, I'd say he performed about as expected against a decent team.

Ok, Price v Bumgarner has already started, so time to settle in and check this one out.

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