Tuesday, June 7, 2016

No game

No game last night, so I did a lot of yard work.  It was getting bad and I'm actually pretty pleased with how it looks now.  It's really hard to have a yard and a young dog, so we'll see how long it lasts, if at all.  I don't have high hopes.  Also took her for a long walk and went to the gym.  How else would I spend a Sox off day?  We'll find out Thursday oddly enough.

Settling in for tonight's late night game and what do I see but Steve Lyons.  What the fuck! Isn't it bad enough we gotta stay up late for these games?  Now we have to stay up late AND put up with Lyons?  Geeze, what did I do to deserve this punishment?  I had my hopes up that Eck might make this trip since he's from the San Fran area.  No such luck I guess.  Story of my life!

Ok almost game time once the Giants finish up their David Ortiz tribute.  The fuck?! You read that right.  Isn't this getting to be a bit much?  We already knew it would, but still.  It's not like David Ortiz has a long, rich past in San Francisco.  They probably could've/should've sat this one out.

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