Monday, May 9, 2016

The Wright Stuff

I've got a few minutes before a meeting, so I'll crank out a quick entry here...

How long can Stephen Wright keep this up?  Shades of Tim Wakefield circa 1995 goin on.  And I love it.  Tough to top last night's performance, but looking forward to seeing him give it a shot next time out.  He was just dazzling last night.  And I heard he was firing off one-liners in the dugout in between innings too....

2 HRs from Papi last night.  The whispers about his possible PED use are all over sports radio now (of course).  Who knows if he's using PEDs now or not, but it's unfortunately simply impossible to categorically say he isn't.  And that's his fault.  I'm not questioning the validity of his accomplishments so far this season (quite the contrary, I'm rather enjoying them) but I'm not just dismissing out of hand anyone who does so.  I can't.  No one can.  That's just the way it is.

I for one am ecstatic that the Sox now get a little break from these Sunday night games.  They are brutal!  Sunday nights I want to watch Family Guy and then go the hell to bed.  Not watch and listen to Jessica Mendoza struggle to distinguish a knuckleball from a fastball. 

Glad the Sox took the last game.  Should've have Friday night's game as well but Ron Kulpa decided to Ron Kulpa (as he is wont to do).  Back home for a while now, time to see what this offense can do against Sonny Gray.

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