Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Wow, I have been derelict

I know I said I was gonna be better in the second half, but holy shit it takes a lot to write after every single game.  I gotta get back into the swing of it.  Shit's been busy lately, personally, professionally, etc.  But I've still been watching every game.  And that's what matters, right?

And I have some thoughts.  You can't use Steven Wright to pinch run.  Ya can't.  I'm 1000000% OK with using a pitcher in that spot, I actually love that and think it's smart.  But use Buchholz (especially if he's about to come into the game to pitch) or Pomeranz, who was in the NL earlier this year.  I don't think Steven Wright has ever been on the bases in the major leagues (I could look that up, but that's not happening).  Part of it is on Steven Wright for not being able to run on the bases without hurting himself.  Ugh.

Losing that extra game to the Yankees on that homestand hurt.  Should've taken 2 out of 3 from them.  Sweeping the DBacks took a little of the sting out of that. 

Had to miss the Cleveland makeup game because of work, but was very glad to see that Pomeranz, who has faced a LOT of criticism, was able to contribute and pick up a win.  Let's hope that trend continues. 

LOVED what I was seeing from ERod last night.  Not too worried about the hamstring, but definitely not thrilled.  Very glad to see the bullpen (minus A-BAD) pick him up.  And Mookie.  What is there left to say about Mookie?  Just incredible.  He's putting on a show every game.  Besides being so dominant, he's incredibly entertaining.  Good idea to move him to 3rd/4th in the order so he starts getting more chances to hit with men on base.  He's been incredible.

Price NEEDS to step up tonight to keep this thing going.  Feels like the 1000th time we've said that.

Friday, August 5, 2016

Quick Hits

A few thoughts on the Seattle series...

These late night weeknight games completely drain me.  They seem quicker than normal games, but they're so late I'm just exhausted.  Had to actually go to bed and throw it on the radio and listen in bed last night.  It caught up to me after 3 late nights...

Was encouraged by the starting pitching this week.  Price was veru good until he hit the wall, and ERod and Porcello did their part and Pomeranz gave you 6, which is more than you would've gotten for Buchholz.  He's getting better.  Losing that Price game was very tough, since it was very winnable and we thought they had it. 

What was up with the whacky, untrue stats Lyons was spitting at us about Seattle starter Wade LeBlanc the other night?

Farrell should not have sat Benintendi last night.  I know he has all of 2 games of big league experience, but he's a better option than Brentz at this point.  He's hit LHPs well so far as a pro and last night's starter (Ariel Miranda) has been eaten alive against lefties in the minors this year, and we saw Travis Shaw go yard against him early.  It would be nice if Farrell thought outside the box maybe once in while....

Interleague play this weekend.  Goin on 20 years and I still hate it..

Sunday, July 31, 2016

Biggest hit of the season?

I heard it said on both the radio and tv that Pedroia's 9th inning, 2 out 3 run HR was the biggest hit of the season so far.  Definitely have to agree.  You drop 3/4 to the Angels this weekend and you're feeling pretty shitty going into Seattle. Instead, you've got a new lease on life and a renewed belief in your team's ability to come from behind.  Huge hit indeed.

I have been staying up late for these games.  Saw Hanley's throwing error.  That was tough because that could've been a win that they didn't necessarily deserve, and you need those through the course of the season.  Porcello came up huge and showed who the real stopper is on this team Friday night.  I missed most of last night's game but did see a few innings, including the end.  Still holding out hope for Pomeranz (I guess I'm just an optimist).

Don't forget Buchholz chipping in with 3 scoreless innings in relief to get the win today.  Huge pick up and an actual contribution from that guy for the first time in a while.

Monday, July 25, 2016

That was needlessly difficult

Was at a wedding over the weekend, so I missed Friday and Saturday's games.  Was checking up on the disappointing results, but couldn't actually watch.  Saw Hanley's 3 HR performance and yesterday's game.

I know any team can win any game at any time, but you shouldn't have to scrape, scratch, claw and bite to split a series with the 2016 Minnesota Twins.  It should've been a sweep, or at least 3/4.  I know it might seem like we're splitting hairs over literally one game here, but every game matters in this playoff system and you can't afford to lose games you should win. 

Pomeranz has to have a better showing tonight than in his first start, right?  I mean, could it be much worse?

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Porcell 000 000 0

I know Porcello didn't go 7 but I'll take 6 1/3 blanks against a top team like the Giants.  Great performance.

Being at the game last night, I was very glad to see the Sox welcome back Jake Peavy and Javier Lopez in their first appearances at Fenway after the '13 and '07 series championships.  Call me a sentimental old softy but I love that shit.  I eat it up.  Easy to remember Peavy, but '07 and Lopez were a while ago.  Goes to show if you win in this town you're remembered forever.  I love it.

Let's see my boy Pomeranz tonight!

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Second half starting out nice

Okay, I know there was no game to blog about last night and I know my second half resolution was to be more consistent with these, so apologies all around.

Glad the Sox represented well in the ASG, very glad to take 2 out of 3 from the Yanks in NY to start the second half.  Very concerned about Price's showing against the Yankees.  It's starting to feel like he's not going to reach his normal performance levels at all this season.  He needs to stop being a weak link in the rotation.

Speaking of the rotation, I love the Pomeranz trade.  Sure it's a gamble on a guy in Drew Pomeranz who is really just now having his first good season, and he's doing it in a pitcher's park against NL lineups.  I get that.  But the pitching market is thin.  What other names are you hearing?  Sonny Gray has been shaky at best this year and would probably cost more than Espinoza.  I love Rich Hill, but he has serious injury questions.  I would love Jeremy Hellickson, but he's not pitching anywhere near as well as Pomeranz.  The Sox desperately need starting pitching, and by giving up such a top tier prospect they forced the Padres to make the move now as opposed to waiting two more weeks.  They're ahead of the curve.  Look at the rotation now.  If David Price can EVER start pitching well on a consistent basis like he should for the second half (he was brutal last night) then we got Price, Wright, Pomeranz, Porcello and Rodriguez (who looked phenomenal on Saturday.  I get that it's just one start against a weak Yankees lineup but he looked like a different pitcher).  I get that you have to figure Wright and Porcello will come back to earth a little bit, but that's still a rotation you can work with when this lineup is scoring runs the way they usually are.  This lineup doing what it can do + that rotation = October baseball, which = something we haven't even come close to here for these last two last place finish seasons and counting. 
And, while I grant that it hurts to give up a guy who's listed as one of the top 15 prospects in baseball or whatever it is, keep this in mind.  Kid is 18 years old.  When will he be able to really contribute to a big league team?  4 years?  5 years?  We could and probably will all be dead by then.  Pomeranz is getting the job done now and is under contract for two more years.  And like my dad pointed out, if Espinoza winds up being really good the Sox can always just go and get him back.  Wait until he's a free agent, we have the money. 

Dombrowski's approach has definitely been to treat the farm as a means to acquire established, proven talent, as opposed to Cherington who seemed to view the farm as a system for developing young players to contribute to the big league team and was very reluctant to deal any prospects.  We should be very glad about Cherington's patience, having just watched Bogaerts, Betts and Bradley all start the All Star game. 

This particular trade depends on how you view the sustainability of our offensive production, I suppose.  It HAS to come back to earth a little bit, there's just no way they can do in the second half what they did in the first half.  So what does that mean?  Are they going to go so cold that they won't score enough runs to keep them in games?  Last night notwithstanding I don't think so.  Getting Brad Ziegler will really help the bullpen, especially once Kimbrel and Tazawa come back and if Heath "Don't Call Me Alan" Hembree and Matt Barnes continue their emergence.  is it the Yankees bullpen?  No, but I don't think Dombrowski is done in that area yet, either.

How's all that opinion?  Feel like you got your money's worth?  Does it make up for me being a deadbeat lately?  I hope so!  I'll be at the game tonight, so look for me on TV (if anyone knows who I am!)

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Second half mon GO!

Ok, I know I'm supposed to do this every day, but it's been busy.  Spent the weekend painting the living room while listening to the game, so I can't comment so much on what I saw as what I heard. And I'm typing this on the T while standing next to a weird lady humming some non descript song and ignoring the looks I keep giving her.  So don't question my dedication.

I have high hopes for the second half.  And you f you're questioning my dedication in light of my lack of blogs lately let me assure you I'm dedicated, as evidenced by my fight with the gf over my refusal to see "Secret Lives of Pets" tomorrow night.  I'm DYING for that Sox-Yanks game, so I'll deal with a miserable life in the meantime.

So I'm PUMPED about the Drew Poneranz acquisition.  I think he is exactly what we need.  Sure we paid a steep price, since Espinoza is so highly touted.  But he's also 18.  Long way to go there.  Signing Groome kinda softens that blow, gotta give up something to get something, etc. etc.

Ok, weird lady is still humming and I'm at my stop, so bring on the second half!

Friday, July 8, 2016

I haven't forgotten you all....

I haven't forgotten about you all, my many, many, many loyal readers who have been no doubt clamoring for the next blog entry.

Seriously though, sorry.  My bad.  I have been busy, but not THAT busy.  I'm trying to finish up the bar I'm building in my house.  Once that's done, I'll have MUCH more time to blog.

So, what have we missed?  The Sox have taken the last two series, and had 6 (possibly 7) players named to the All Star team.  We should be feeling good.  So why aren't we?  Why are we feeling like this is headed in a concerning direction?  Aaron Hill is not going to be enough, but Shaw is obviously tired and can't hit lefties so Hill should help with that.  Farrell has done a lot of very puzzling things lately, and one has to wonder if that's going to catch up to him at the All Star break.  No reason to lose a game this weekend with the Devil Rays (they'll always be the Devil Rays to me) in here.

Side note:  I'll always try to limit this blog to last night's game, but last night's atrocity in Dallas should remind us all that police perform an excruciatingly difficult job under circumstances that the rest of us just don't have to face in our jobs.  We're thinking of you Dallas PD.


Sunday, July 3, 2016


What can you really say about a 21-2 loss?  If someone told you the Sox would give up 21 runs in a game who would you guess would be prominently involved?  Yeah, I'd say Clay Buchholz too.  And today we hear he wasn't too happy about being lifted after 62 pitches.  The balls on this guy!  How much rope does he want?! He had already given up 4 and had 2 more on base who eventually scored. And I guess he stormed off the field too.  Geeze, when is enough gonna be enough with this clown?

Thankfully they bounced back today.  But ultimately I'm not sure if winning on this homestand is a good thing, since all it might serve to achieve is enable John Farrell to keep his job.  Not sure that's the best thing for the team right now.

I listened to the game at the beach today (almost didn't have anywhere to park to get on the beach, waited in line for over an hour to try to get a shuttle to Crane Beach, wound up ditching that plan and going BACK to Singing Beach and by sheer luck getting a spot on the street.  What a day) and was encouraged by Sean O'Sullivan's performance.  If he can pitch like that then please, for the love of God, let it be Bye Bye Buchholz.

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Damn, it's easier to remember to write when they win

Ok, I've been outta the country, on vacation and trying to catch up getting back to work.  So I haven't had time to write.  Poor excuses I know.  So what the hell has been going on here???  Holy shit the wheels are coming off.  Can't pitch.  Can't hit.  JBJ couldn't run the bases today.  Can't manage the game, the bullpen or the roster (Mike Miller called up to spell Bogaerts at SS and then sits on the bench while Tazawa, Koji and Kimbrel pitch in a lopsided loss????? The hell is that?!).  10-16 in June is brutal, this team should be better than that.  Something needs to be done with the roster or with the manager.  Let's stay tuned and I'll try to write more (of course there's an off day tomorrow and I'm going to Weezer Friday, but that's beside the point).

Thursday, June 23, 2016

Are the wheels coming off?

Funny how it can be tougher to find time to write entries while on vacation than during the work week..

Are the wheels coming off? What's Farrell doing? Papi hitting before he could tie the game? That I didn't hate as much as Marrero hitting in the 9th last night.  I'm worried about Koji.  And two nights ago - you load the bases with nobody out you gotta figure out a way to score.  Been frustrating losing these games lately.  Worried the wheels are coming off.

About to board a plane to Montréal.  First time visiting, oughta be fun.  Why did the Expos ever leave?

Monday, June 20, 2016

Did you think I quit?

You're not getting rid of me that easily!

Didn't see much of the weekend series with Seattle.  Had puppy duty Friday night.  Had my sister's wedding Saturday morning so I actually got to see most of that game.  Went with the gf to see her dad for Father's Day and spent most of the day at the beach, so caught a little on the radio on the drive home.  So not a whole lot of impressions from the weekend in Seattle other than Elias sucks, Porcello finally put together a decent start (and JBJ really crushed that HR) and it looks like Price is getting going.

As far as tonight's game (I know that's not the name of the blog) I can't believe they didn't score when they had bases loaded nobody out. Ugh.

On vacation this week so I'll do my best with entries for the games.  Montréal Thursday here I come!

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Another wasted Price start

Price was pretty damn good last night.  Set down a bunch in a row against a damn good lineup.  But Tillman is just one of those guys we always have trouble with.  A modern day Rodrigo Lopez only actually pretty good against teams other than the Red Sox, if you will.

The question for me is why was Rusney hitting for Vazquez in the 9th?  Guy hasn't had a plate appearance since before the Celtics season ended.  Maybe you could've found him an at-bat in the 15-4 game a few days ago if you were planning to send him up against one of the best closers in the game?  Just a thought...

Free blog for my 100th page view.  Who's it gonna be?!?!

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Last weekend's games

Sorry for the long delay (if there are any actual readers of this blog out there), but we were dog-sitting our dog's sister over the weekend, and these are two pretty high-energy dogs that take up a lot of time and effort, so I didn't even have time/forgot to write even a short entry.  But I do have some thoughts on the weekend...

The Twinkies are so bad you gotta sweep 'em.  You just do.  You show up for a season in baseball and you win 60 and lose 60.  So it really just comes down to those 42 swing games, how do you handle those.  Sunday was one of those and it went in the L column.  Not good.  I was glad they were able to get a win for Steven Wright, and I was glad they had a mashfest on Saturday like they should against such a weak team.  But they needed to go for the kill on Sunday.  Bogaerts losing his focus in the field was hopefully just a one-time thing.  He had the base-running issue when he thought he homered, and the lack of focus on Sunday, so hopefully he has this stuff out of his system now.  Obviously he's been pretty stellar other than that.  Pretty questionable call for Farrell to have Shaw try to lay down a bunt when that's clearly not something he's ever done very much.  They definitely had a chance in this one and it's frustrating to lose to a team you really should've swept.  Hopefully Price can get them back on track in a good pitching matchup tonight.

Friday, June 10, 2016


No game last night, so we watched Cheers.  Starting season 5 (again).  Grew up watching this show.  Love it.  This is the season where we've had about enough of Diane.  Still great though.  Hope to sneak in an episode before tonight's game.  Could be tough since we have our dog's sister joining us for the weekend.

As far as the games this weekend, the Sox better win at least 3. No excuse to lose to this team.

Thursday, June 9, 2016

A split

A mid week split with a pretty good team.  Tough to lose a well-pitched game, but Bumgarner was pretty good too.  Giving up a homer to a rookie like that hurts, and that guy was almost the goat too when he coughed up Hanley's fly ball the next inning.  Tough to strand the tying run like that, but what can ya do?  Nice to see Chris Young continue his hot streak at least.  Another night off tonight and then a weekend taking on the brutal Twinkies.  Should take all 3.

Thought I spotted that wild haired Sox fan from the games in Chicago at The game Tuesday.  Didn't notice him last night but we'll see if he makes the trip to Minneapolis this weekend.

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Late post - shocking I know

Sorry for the late post.  Judging by my 81 views on 28 posts I have a lot of people relying on me for their Sox news, so I apologize.

Bogaerts really coming into his own.  I suspect he'll be the main focus of quite a few Sox game storylines this season. He already has.

The play of the game was definitely Chris Young avoiding being tagged on Papi's pinch hit grounder to prevent the double play.  I was talking with my brother about the Sox base running this season the other night.  It really has been noticeably excellent, which was a hallmark of the 2013 team.  That team had great base runners.  Obviously guys like Ellsbury were fast, but I'm talking guys who were smart on the bases like Napoli, Gomes, Victorino.  It was great to watch.  Pretty much everyone except Daniel Nava.  That dude could not run the bases.  Where is he now anyways?  I think I'll Wikipedia his ass..

As far as Porcello, I'd say he performed about as expected against a decent team.

Ok, Price v Bumgarner has already started, so time to settle in and check this one out.

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

No game

No game last night, so I did a lot of yard work.  It was getting bad and I'm actually pretty pleased with how it looks now.  It's really hard to have a yard and a young dog, so we'll see how long it lasts, if at all.  I don't have high hopes.  Also took her for a long walk and went to the gym.  How else would I spend a Sox off day?  We'll find out Thursday oddly enough.

Settling in for tonight's late night game and what do I see but Steve Lyons.  What the fuck! Isn't it bad enough we gotta stay up late for these games?  Now we have to stay up late AND put up with Lyons?  Geeze, what did I do to deserve this punishment?  I had my hopes up that Eck might make this trip since he's from the San Fran area.  No such luck I guess.  Story of my life!

Ok almost game time once the Giants finish up their David Ortiz tribute.  The fuck?! You read that right.  Isn't this getting to be a bit much?  We already knew it would, but still.  It's not like David Ortiz has a long, rich past in San Francisco.  They probably could've/should've sat this one out.

Monday, June 6, 2016

Sat-Sun split

Funny there's been some games where Steven Wright didn't necessarily deserve to lose or get a no decision and did.  So it kinda balanced out on Saturday when he picked up a win without having his best stuff.  Had some bad luck too.  Maybe it all does even out?

ERod got hit around pretty bad Sunday, huh?  I missed some of the start of it since I started drinkin early at the afterparty for a 5K race in Cambridge.  When I did watch I spent a lot of time waiting for the Sox to just get a hit.  Gotta figure that's an anomaly.

But what we can't say is an anomaly is the shitty pitching we've been subjected to lately.  Guys are coming back down to earth, relievers are getting worn out, new guys are struggling.  Something's gotta be done.  I hope Dombrowski doesn't wait until we fall real far behind.  Staring and relief help is needed badly now.  The sooner the better.

Saturday, June 4, 2016

Are you glad to be alive?

I missed last night's game because I was at the Cowboy Mouth concert on the rock cruise ship.  Anyone know this band?  If not you should.  Amazing show.  Actually it was more than a show, like Cowboy Mouth shows are.  It was a celebration of being alive.  Love it.  Got way drinker than I should have, but that's part of the beauty.  Incredible music, unbelievably fun show.  Do yourselves a favor and check them out the next time they come by.  You can thank me later.

As far as the game, I guess Bogaerts' hitting streak is over now.  We couldn't hit the knuckler. Let's hope that's the case for the Jays this afternoon.

Friday, June 3, 2016

"If you score X amount of runs...."

Say it with me now, " should win the game."  I'm afraid of that becoming the theme of this season.  Porcello clearly didn't have it and the bullpen is so thin right now there was no chance they were gonna pick him up.  Not against a team like Baltimore.

Love Xander Bogaerts obviously.  But I don't want to see him admire his off-the-wall singles that he thinks are home runs but in reality could be doubles if he ran.  Why does this happen so much?  Hit the ball and run!  We ask so little of baseball players, yet still.  Let's hope he learned from this.

Rough trip.  Hitting like crazy and still losing games is tough.  Time to turn it around at home.

Thursday, June 2, 2016

Goodbye, Joe Kelly

When you score 9 runs and hit 5 home runs you should win the game 11 times out of 11.  Joe Kelly has pretty much been a total disaster and I'm glad they're doing the right thing and sending him down to Pawtucket.  I hope that's the end of him here and the next time we need a 5th starter (a week from Saturday) we can actually trot out someone competent.  Hell, I'd even settle for half competent.

As far as positives go, there's Mookie.  Leading off the game with another HR was obviously great, but I most enjoyed how he stood in there after they threw a pitch near his head and took Orioles pitcher Mike Wright yard.  THAT was beautiful.

Didn't love the umpire warning the Sox bench after they threw at Mookie.  The hell did we do?  I know the umps do it that way a lot but it's a pretty stupid practice if you ask me.  All we did was rake, are we getting warned for that?

Anyone catch Dave O'Brien say Adam Jones was high school teammates with Sam Horn last night?  I had to rewind it twice and text my brother to make sure I heard it right.  The producer must've cued him in on his mistake or something, since the next inning he said that Jones "went to the same school as" Sam Horn.  Sorry, Dave, you don't get credit for the correction unless you acknowledge the dumb thing you said the inning before.  Am I picking nits with this one?

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Mookie! Mookie! Mookie!

Actually getting an entry for last night's game in BEFORE tonight's game.  I'm getting better at this whole time management thing...

How about Mookie?  Kid might have a future in this game, huh?  3 HRs and a dazzling catch in right.  Have a day, Mookie.

Also encouraged by ERod's debut.  Not as good as the numbers would indicate, but I'll definitely take it.

They could have a bunch of all stars from this team.  You could make a case for all 4 infielders (a strong case for Pedroia and Bogaerts is a lock), 2 outfielders, Papi is a lock, Wright, Kimbrel, Porcello and maybe even Price with a few more good starts.  By my count that's like 30 guys. Someone will get gypped like always, but we're gonna be representing at the mid summer classic, and deservedly so.  I won't miss the Brock Holt-as-token-Red-Sox days, which were mercifully brief.

Game time!

Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Busy long weekend

Coming back from a busy long weekend, which is why I'm so late with these posts.  Trying to get back on schedule.

Sunday's game felt like a must-win.  I didn't want to get broomed by a divisional opponent.  The losing streak was getting to be worrisome.  It was good to see the determination.  They really stuck with this one, as it took a couple extra innings to pull it out.  And Koji stepping in when Kimbrel was obviously unavailable after Saturday was huge.  I don't know about you, but I for one am very much enjoying Dustin Pedroia's resurgence.

I missed yesterday's game because I had to attend a wake up in Maine.  But I did catch most of it on the radio.  How huge has Steven Wright been this year?  Could he possibly start the All Star game?  How many Sox could make the team, by the way?  You could make a case for a LOT of guys on this team to be on the All Star team. 

Beyond excited for ERod's 2016 debut tonight.  Hope I get outta work on time so I can walk the dog, hit the gym, cook dinner and settle in for it.  THAT sounds like a primo night to me.

Sunday, May 29, 2016

A tough one

Yesterday's game was a tough one.  Hate to cough up a 4 run lead, only to re-take the lead and then cough that one up.  I didn't realize that Tazawa had such brutal numbers against Toronto over the course of his career.  

They say in baseball, just by showing up for the season you automatically win 60 and lose 60.  So, it's what you do in those other 42 games that determines your season.  Yesterday felt like they lost one of those 42.  Tough one to take, especially since they should've been out of trouble on the ground ball that wound up ending it.

Mookie just tripled to break up Dickey's no hitter.  Hopefully we can put together a comeback here and end this little losing streak before it gets to be a problem.

Friday, May 27, 2016

Last night and tonight - sorry

I went to the game last night.  Primarily to see Wade Boggs get his # retired.  When I was a little kid and didn't know any better he was my favorite player.  I heard a story once that he told Mike Gardiner, a guy who briefly pitched for the Sox, to make sure that he pitched hitters in a way that they wouldn't hit the ball to him.  Funny the weird shit you hear.  Any way, i disagree with the morning guys on EEI, I love the '86 team and have a lot of affection for them and have enjoyed having them around this week.  Of course I was 7 years old and just starting to get obsessed with the Red Sox that season, so it was pretty optimal timing.

While we're talking about that team can the current ownership PLEASE stop forcing Roger Clemens down our throats?  This has been going on for a few years now.  Henry & Werner, listen up - we hate Roger Clemens and don't want to see him.  Stop inviting him to shit.

Anyways, last night's game sucked because JBJ's hit streak ended and Buchholz Buchholzed his way outta the rotation. So at least there's some silver lining.

Tonight's game. Joe Kelly came back to earth.  Sanchez took on our lineup pretty well.  I hate how Farrell let the game end without letting Papi hit. I get it that if he hits for Vazquez and goners sending tie the game, but Christ almighty what was the plan to get him an at bat if Vazquez reached?  Have him hit for Mookie?  For Pedroia?  For Hanley?  For Shaw?  (Thank God Farrell has kicked his weird habit of hitting for Shaw).  Just made no sense.  Didn't hear Farrell's post game explanation, but I can't imagine whatever he used as an excuse made any sense.

Thursday, May 26, 2016

So late

Coukd I be later with this blog?  I was busy at work today, sue me!

Missed a lot of last night's game going to hear author Michael Tougias, author of "Their Finest Hours" speak about the book and the movie.  Fantastic stuff.  Can't elaborate at the moment because I'm at the game for Wade Boggs # retirement, and I hate being on my phone at the game.  Buchholz got through 1, wowwwww.

As far as last night's game, it was JBJ, X and the relentless offense and Steven Wright AGAIN.  That's been a recipe that's been working so far this year.

Okay, back to the game.

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

The hits keep comin'

I had to work a lot later than usual today so I'll try to keep this blog less angry than it should be.  Could be tough considering I'm blogging from the orange line.

Missed the beginning of the game last night meeting with our new dog walker.  The pup can't seem to kick her rock eating habit and last week got really sick, so daycare is done and it's on to try a dog walker.  Fingers crossed.

As far as the game itself I agree with Dave O'Brien's description of it as a "tidy" victory.  The Price was fine, the team HR streak came to an end but the JBJ and X hitting streaks did not.  They won.  That's all that really matters.  Agree with Mut who said he thought the game was a little lopsided for Koji in the 8th.  Farrell burning out Koji and Tazawa has gotta rank near the top of the concern list, especially now with Carson Smith gone for the year.  I liked Matt Barnes' 9th inning a lot.  Maybe he's emerging as a guy to use in high leverage situations?  Let's hope so. 

My only other complaint is with NESN. Why are they subjecting us to Steve Lyons during an otherwise very enjoyable year so far?  What did we do to deserve that?

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

A near cycle

Did anyone else think Papi's ball was gonna rattle around in the triangle on Sunday afternoon?  We were all definitely bummed when it didn't.  Thank God we had the memory of that fan laying out for Papi's earlier ground rule double and not even coming close while eating shit in the process.  I think I was still chuckling when Papi came up looking for the cycle.

No game last night so I did some work around the house, walked the dog (who is STILL recovering from being sick - poor pup), went to the gym, watched Jeopardy and read.  Almost done with "The Finest Hours" by Michael Tougias, and am looking forward to hearing the author speak tomorrow night.  Been a very interesting book, even for someone with no real nautical knowledge/understanding.

Debating going to the game Thursday.  Loved Wade Boggs as a little kid.  The Rockies are one of 2 teams in MLB I've never seen in person (the Giants are the other one).  And ticket prices are reasonable.  The one downside?  Buchholz is scheduled to pitch. 

Saturday, May 21, 2016

If you've waited this long, you get 2 for 1

Like the title says....,here goes....

I'm getting ready for bed, so I'll do the best I can

Last night's game ....Clay Buchholz should've been better. I also should've been better, knowing that he is who he is.

Tonight's game, which is almost last night's game given how late it is....I went to the game and had a blast.  If only Joe Kelly could've held on for that elusive no no I've been trying to attend my whole life.  Maybe tomorrow JBJ gets his hit streak going through the intentional and unintentional intentional walks early and Mookie hit a a few more homers ;-)

Friday, May 20, 2016

The tent is off

No game last night (I mean, there was NBA playoffs but once the Celtics are done so am I.  Do people watch the NBA when it's not their team?  Or the NHL?  I haven't in YEARS.  Hate how long the playoffs take in the NBA - does the first round really need to be 7 games?  When it was 5 it was SO much better - and there are WAY too many teams in the NHL - Florida has TWO teams?) so after the gym the gf and I popped over to the Slumbrew beer tent, or since the tent is now down for the summer, the Slumbrew Beer Garden.  I still call it the beer tent because it's just easier. 

I'm pumped the tent is down, because now I can bring my dog there.  Dog friendly drinking establishments are sadly few and far between, so it's good to have one back for the outdoor season in Slumbrew, in addition to nearby Nightshift.  I'm also pumped that Slumbrew has some new beers available.  I haven't been to the beer tent in a couple months, so I apologize if this is old news.  But I tried the Scooter last night, which is a Strawberry wheat beer.  It was okay.  I got a growler of the Niles Crane, a light blonde ale, which I had when I got home and I liked a lot more.  I'm a huge fan of their signature Happy Sol and their Porter Square porter, but it's great to see them coming out with more stuff.  I also saw a White IPA available that I hadn't seen before (Hare Brained) and a Gose if that's your thing (The Destroyer).  Supposed to do some day drinking this weekend (shocker) and I just may make my way back there at some point.

Glad that Tito will be back in the house for Tek and Wake going into the Sox HOF tonight, since he was such a big part of their success.  Hopefully he'll have his own ceremony at some point (and I wouldn't mind if he were still the manager here).  I know D&C&M like to tool on the Sox and Pats HOF, and sure maybe they're a little cheesy, but whatever.  They're for the fans.  Nothing wrong with commemorating and celebrating the career of someone you enjoyed spending hours, days, months and years watching and following - and we certainly spent a lot of time with the careers of Tek, Wake and Kevin Faulk.  It's what we like to do and it's why D&C&M are able to make such lucrative livings.  So congrats to Tek and Wake this weekend and Kevin Faulk in the fall.  All deserving honorees, no matter what curmudgeonly radio hosts say. 

Now if we could only do something about the Sox' starting pitcher tonight....

Thursday, May 19, 2016

We got one

A lotta people have pointed out that the Sox have made their bones playing mostly creampuffs on their schedule so far this year.  While I have to agree, it's still their job to go out and beat those teams.  As bad as they are, they get paid too.  It's up to the Sox to take care of business against them, and for the most part they have. 

So even though the Royals haven't gotten off to the best of starts this year, they are the champs and that carries something with it.  The Sox rolling in with a share of first place seemed to wake up the Royals a little bit (not that I've watched many of their games, but their record speaks for their level of play to this point).  Is it discouraging that we dropped 2 out of 3 to the first quality team we've faced in a while (not sure where to count the Astros)?  Not yet.  Still a long way to go.  Obviously I would've preferred taking 2 out of 3, but if a few close plays go our way in the day game yesterday we would've done just that.  So I'll hold off on sounding the alarms.  For now.

Loved that David Price got us within a few outs of playing a double header and not using the bullpen (I suppose we can thank Steven Wright for that as well).  How rare is that?  Loved JBJ doing his thing and Mookie making a potentially game-saving play in RF late in the game, not to mention his homer earlier in the game.  Love the resiliency of bouncing back after losing the first game.

Lot to be pleased about after last night's game.  And when there's a lot to be pleased about the last person I generally want to see is Clay Buchholz.  Which is what we're faced with tomorrow.  At least it'll be the weekend. 

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Most of a series wrapped in one

Last night's game:  Tough 8th inning, Koji throwing the ball away pretty much eliminated any chance of a comeback.  Porcello seemed to be battling himself.

Today's game: I missed most of it because I was working.  I love random weekday games but hate that I have to miss a lot of them.  Encouraged by Steven Wright's bounce back.

Tonight's game:  I've been watching and love Eck talking about the '83 Sox always tryin to go bridge and Juan Marichal being his hero, but I have also had to deal with a sick dog.  Poor pup I feel so bad for her.  She puked all over the kitchen today.  She's been eating rocks a lot lately, and I think that might be the etiology of all this.  Poor pup. :-(

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

No game, no luck

I'm blogging about last night's game during tonight's game, so I'll make this quick.  No game last night, so I folded laundry, scraped wallpaper off the wall and watched Family Guy on DVR.  Uneventful.

Really sucks about the Celtics lack of luck of the Irish tonight.  I thought and hoped this time it would be different.  Having the #3 pick in a 2 player draft sucks.  No one should be surprised though.  This is how it always has been and apparently always will be for the C's in the lottery.  Sucks.  Danny's really got a tough task ahead.

Taking some solace that Eck is doing the game tonight.  Easily the most entertaining/best broadcaster in the game.  Would rather have the #1 pick, but it'll do for tonight.

Monday, May 16, 2016

6-1 home stand

3 out of 4 from Houston.  JBJ's streak hits 21 games.  Xander with a moon shot.  Love it all.

Had to miss some of the game yesterday with puppy sitting duty.  But I saw Bogaerts' shot and I'm glad for that.  Listened to a couple innings outside with a couple beers since it was so nice out.  Had to leave early for The Sheila Divine free show in Harvard Square, which was at 5:00 but of course MLB can't get their games to be less than 17 hours long.  Aggravating.  Worth it though, great set from The Sheilas.

Got tickets for Saturday's game and I am PUMPED.  Perfect 4:00 start time on what is supposed to be a gorgeous day.  Can't wait.  If Farrell rigs the rotation so that Buchholz ends up pitching will someone come bail me out of prison?  Because I will wind up going on some sort of criminal rampage.

Saturday, May 14, 2016

2 for 1

Okay I set a new record for lateness with this blog entry.  But in my defense in dog sitting this weekend and have had 3 dogs to watch since last night.  So I'll do last night's game and this afternoon's.

It was too bad to see Stephen Wright struggle for the first time last night.  But I liked that we almost came back.  We're not gonna be giving up. That's the kind of team I want to watch all summer.

And it paid off today when Buchholz dug us a hole that only Papi could dig us out of.  He really is unbelievable huh?  Huge performance today.  Bogaerts too, probably the unsung hero for the game.  Ok, sorry to cut this short but I'm at the bar right now and I hate being on my phone at the bar.  So make do with this lame entry and I'll try to do better after tomorrow's game.  Thank God it's not a Sunday night baseball game.

Friday, May 13, 2016

It's pronounced "AERO"...

Watched last night's game at the bar since it was trivia night at Pizza Regina.  Price obviously looked really good and that was a relief given how he's struggled.  And the offense is a train that's showing no signs of slowing down.  Friggin love it.

The story of last night was how badly my trivia team (The Hazy Flashbacks) got jobbed at trivia last night!  The guy hosting the trivia thought he was Shecky Greene and kept trying to make stupid jokes.  Totally interfered with his hosting duties. Guy didn't know the word "ubiquitous".  Thought you had to be literate to host trivia.  Anyway, he pronounced the word "aero" the way one would normally pronounce "aero", and it fucked us up on the final question. (What company named 'The Aero (only he said ARROW!) incorporated in Chicago in 1917?  Thinking he said "arrow", we went with Wrigley, since they have arrows on their packs of gum.  No, he said "aero", but pronounced it like a dickhead.  It was Boeing.  We had the answer once he clarified but by then it was too late, we had handed out answer in.  We would've won.  That asshole cost us a $25 pizza gift card.  Ah well.  Thanks for letting me bitch for a while.  Time for a beer and to get ready for new co-ace (with Rick Porcello) Steven Wright.

Thursday, May 12, 2016

I've seen this episode...

Missed the start of the game last night because I was checking out Winter Hill Brewing Company in.....well, I'll let you guess where.  Had their German style kolsch (their signature beer) and the IPA, as well as their fried pickle chips.  Big fan of this place.  If you're looking for local, independent breweries to try (and you should be) I would recommend this one, although parking around there is very tough.  Not too long a walk or uber ride from Assembly if you're near that area.

So about last night's game.  What is there to say?  It's been the JBJ show lately and I couldn't be more pleased.  Guy has been on fire.  Hope it continues.  He's been absolutely raking and I love it.  Going to trivia tonight but will be paying close attention to see if Price can take Pedroia's mechanics advice and see if that helps get him straightened out.  JBJ will take care of the rest...

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Plenty of "O" for Sean O

Little luck of the Irish for that Sean O'Sullivan last night.  Just show up and get a dozen runs of support?  Big boy like that looked like he could throw all night.  You don't see many Ws next to guys who gave up 12 hits.  He should get another start before Eduardo comes back I imagine.

Obviously love this offense and love how it's gettin goin early.  Get the starters outta the game, work on the bullpen, tire them out for the rest of the series.  The formula has been working.

I think Dave O'Brien wet himself over Hanley's home run.  And I'm okay with that.  I wet myself too.  I don't care about exit velocity or distance or anything like that though.  I know a shot when I see one.  I hope NESN and WEEI don't plan on forcing distance and exit velocity on us all season long.

I guess it had been a while since Kimbrel pitched so he needed the work.  My greatest fear in these one sided games is Farrell over managing.  And Pedroia should've taken 2nd if they're playing behind him down only 8! It's Fenway Park! No lead is safe!  Oh well, tough to pick nits with last night's game so I'll leave it alone.  Ace Porcello goin for the sweep tonight!

Tuesday, May 10, 2016


One J for each rbi...

Another entry being written during the current night's game.  Ugh, I gotta get better.  It's called time management people!

Luckily for me, the story of the game last night was easy enough.  The offense! Especially JBJ (and I'm not talking about his dropped fly ball, although that was weird, wasn't it?).

My crazy white haired guy behind home plate from the road trip seems to have disappeared, and he appears to have taken Drinkwater with him..

Ok, Mookie just went yard, time to focus on tonight's game.

Monday, May 9, 2016

The Wright Stuff

I've got a few minutes before a meeting, so I'll crank out a quick entry here...

How long can Stephen Wright keep this up?  Shades of Tim Wakefield circa 1995 goin on.  And I love it.  Tough to top last night's performance, but looking forward to seeing him give it a shot next time out.  He was just dazzling last night.  And I heard he was firing off one-liners in the dugout in between innings too....

2 HRs from Papi last night.  The whispers about his possible PED use are all over sports radio now (of course).  Who knows if he's using PEDs now or not, but it's unfortunately simply impossible to categorically say he isn't.  And that's his fault.  I'm not questioning the validity of his accomplishments so far this season (quite the contrary, I'm rather enjoying them) but I'm not just dismissing out of hand anyone who does so.  I can't.  No one can.  That's just the way it is.

I for one am ecstatic that the Sox now get a little break from these Sunday night games.  They are brutal!  Sunday nights I want to watch Family Guy and then go the hell to bed.  Not watch and listen to Jessica Mendoza struggle to distinguish a knuckleball from a fastball. 

Glad the Sox took the last game.  Should've have Friday night's game as well but Ron Kulpa decided to Ron Kulpa (as he is wont to do).  Back home for a while now, time to see what this offense can do against Sonny Gray.

Sunday, May 8, 2016

Damn I'm late

Shit, sorry for the super late entry (if anyone's actually reading).  Been a busy day of yard work, going to the gym and walking the dog.  Watching tonight's game as I write this, loved seeing Pedroia's 2 run bomb.  Couple quick notes on yesterday's loss.

My wild haired old dude was behind home plate again last night and today.  He appears to be wearing sunglasses at this night game.  Anyone know who I'm talking about?

Price pitched like shit.  I hate his post game interviews too where he seems to think he's pitching fine.  Gregorious just stuck his bat out and cleared the bases.  Price has to get that guy in that spot.  He just has to.

This O'Sullivan guy looks friggin huge.  I dunno what it is.

Ok, let's not get swept tonight.  Sound good?

Saturday, May 7, 2016

Sorry this entry is late (if anyone's actually reading).  Slept a little late, went for a scamper, went for some beers and am actually just getting to this afternoon's game now (it's the 4th inning - had it in the radio driving home from getting pizza and beers).

Porcello didn't have his best stuff last night, but he still was able to suck it up and get through 7.  We may have something with him this year.

I usually hate when they have guests in the booth, but I'll make an exception for Alex Speier last night.  I always feel smarter after listening to him.

My guy with the wild hair was sitting in the expensive seats behind home plate last night.  And I see that he's there again today.  I gotta find out this guy's deal.  Does he work for the team?  Remember when Theo sat back there for every game, back in like '03?  Even that was only home games.  Am I the only one curious about/noticing him?

Ok, Porcello, Alex Speier and wild white haired guy were not the story of last night's game.  It was Ron Kulpa.  The same guy who flopped around like a fish out of water/European soccer player when Crazy Carl Everett barely grazed him with his head (on family day) back in 2000 or 2001 against the Bobby Valentine-led Mets at Fenway.  So he likes the attention.  My dad said he seems like the kind of guy who thinks because he's the umpire he's the show.  Kinda like Country Joe West.  Based on him staring down Ortiz after he ridiculously rung him up last night I gotta say I agree.  Those calls were ridiculous.  Crazy to see Hanley holding back Papi from killing Kulpa.  If Hanley is the voice of reason we're in trouble.  Frustrating end to a game they could/should have won.  It'll be interesting to see if John Wayne Farrell gets suspended for returning to the field after getting tossed (again to keep Ortiz from killing Kulpa).  He should've taken a page from his Sox predecessor Valentine and rocked the glasses and fake mustache.

Ok onto today's game. Let's do this Price.

Friday, May 6, 2016

Henry Owens pitched like a "HO"

Did anyone else notice that Henry Owens' initials are stitched prominently on his glove?  Kind of fitting given the way he pitched last night.  I love those crafty lefty types, the Jamie Moyer, Kenny Rogers, David Wells types.  I had high hopes that Owens might turn out to be one of those kinds of guys.  He still might, of course, but I'm starting to get discouraged.  12 walks in 3 innings (or whatever it was) will do that to me I guess.

How about Jackie "With that glove PLEASE just let him hit .240" Bradley, Jr.???

Trying not to get too excited about this team yet but it is pretty good to go into a first place team's city and take 2 of 3 on the way to play the hapless Yanks.

Crazy white haired Sox fan was back sitting behind the plate again last night.  I took a picture but can't figure out how to post it on here.  I'm new at this and I'm pretty much Johnny Low Tech, so cut me some slack!  Keep your eyes peeled for this cat this weekend in New York.  If he can afford those behind home plate seats we'll we're dealing with a real high roller.

Brett Lawrie is doing a sweet Chris Sabo imitation for Chicago these days.

Speaking of going into a first place team's city, it was interesting that there were 4 first place teams in the same city for the first time in MLB History last night, but someone needs to tell Steve Lyons I heard him the first 10 times he said it.

Missed the start of the game coming back from getting terrible margaritas for cinco de mayo at a place in the rose (not the Mexican place - they were way too crowded obvi) but was interested to hear Rob Manfred with O'Brien & Lyons.  Glad to hear he's aware that these games are getting to be painfully long.  Nice to see the Sox and Sox respond by turning around their 9 inning game in a tidy 3:57.

Speaking of Manfred, my gf asked me who he was and I told her the commissioner of MLB.  Which led to this exchange:

Me: "Do you know who the commissioner of the NHL is?

Gf: "No."

Me: "Do you know who the commissioner of the NBA is?"

Gf: "No."

Me: "Do you know who the commissioner of the NFL is?"

Gf:  "Roger Goodell"

I guess being a huge asshole does get you some notoriety.

TRIVIA: Who replaced Yaz in LF in his final game with the Sox?

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Buchholz actually pitched well?

Did everyone see what I saw last night?  Did Clay Buchholz actually pitch well?  And against a first place team??  Now, obviously the White Sox aren't in first place because of their potent lineup.  Their order is littered with guys I didn't even know were still in the league (Dioner Navarro?  Jimmy Rollins?  Austin Jackson?).  But still, first place is first place.  And Buchholz is Buchholz.  Does this mean he's figured things out?  I wouldn't say that yet, but there seems to be hope.

Classic John Farrell with the dry h ump of Carson Smith.  The guy's just coming back from an arm injury, and doesn't have the most fluid delivery to begin with.  Maybe don't do your whole "warm the guy up and then don't use him the day after he made his season debut coming back from an arm injury" thing, John.

There was an older pink-faced Sox fan dude with white Larry Fine hair sitting behind home plate last night.  I know I've seen him sitting in similar seats at Fenway.  Anyone know this guy?  I didn't take a picture because I was feeling kinda lazy but maybe tonight.  Maybe he's a whacky, road-travelling Drinkwater?  Speaking of Drinkwater, is it me or has he missed more games than usual this year?

Dave O'Brien shared an anecdote of White Sox HOF'er Luke Appling goin' yard in an old-timer's game at age 75.  Impressive story, but it just makes me wonder why don't you see Old Timer's games anymore?  Do other teams do them and the Sox just don't for some reason?  I'd pay good money to see Dewey dig in against that crabby old Gossage.  You tellin' me Dewey's not takin' him deep?  Bitch please..